How to Make Rythm Bot Play Put a Song Over and Over Again

How to Play Music on Discord with Rythm Bot & Dandy Bot

Concluding updated: Apr 23, 2022 • 7 min read


Wouldn't be fun to play your favorite music in Discord?

Even more than, fun if you could listen to it together with other friends or create and share cool playlists with each other.

Maybe you accept an anime Discord server and want to play your favorite J-popular songs in the background or you play video games and blast dubstep while edifice your dream house in Minecraft.

Thanks to 3rd-party, dedicated music bots - Rythm and Groovy bot you tin can achieve just that.

Today you will acquire how to play music on Discord, also as:

  • how to add and play music with bots - Rythm and Groovy,
  • learn basic bot commands on Discord
  • how to play music on Discord without a bot, with Spotify, or via a Mic
how to play music on discord guide

Ready to play music on your Discord account?

Table Of Contents

Prerequisites: Before you start playing music

In social club to connect whatsoever of the bots mentioned below, you will demand to be either the owner of the Discord server where you lot want to install it or take the Manage Server permissions.

If yous are not the server owner or don't accept the necessary permissions, you can still play music and let other people hear it with other available options - see the steps below.

Pro tip: To keep the conversation clean from bot commands and reduce notifications on Discord, create a dedicated channel for bot commands and type them there.

How to Play Music on Discord with Rythm Bot

Heads up! As of September 15th, 2021, Rythm bot close down due to request from YouTube for violating Youtube's Terms of Service.

What is Rythm?

Rythm is one of the almost pop Discord music bots equally of now.

The main features of this app are high audio quality, stability, and ease of utilise.

The bot plays music from these popular sites: YouTube, SoundCloud, Twitch, Vimeo, Bandcamp, and Spotify.

Additionally, Rythm offers a Premium service that allows you to get better audio quality, volume command option, boosted audio effects, autoplay option, and my favorite - "Always playing" feature, where you lot can blast tunes all day long, 24/7.

At present, I will walk you through the steps to gear up upwards the bot first.

How to add Rythm Music Bot to the Discord Server

Outset, nosotros need to invite our footling music bot to our server.

For that, become to the official Rythm homepage and click the "Invite the bot" button.

invite Rythm bot to Discord server

If y'all weren't logged into your Discord account, you will exist asked to log in first.

If you are logged in, yous volition exist welcomed with the invite screen.

In the "Add to server" department, select from the dropdown the server y'all want the bot to play music on.

In our case, that volition be our official Discord server -

Then hit the "Go on" button.

allow Rythm bot to access Discord server

On the side by side screen, review the permissions you are giving to the bot and confirm that you desire to grant them by clicking "Qualify".

Laissez passer the captcha verification screen "I am human" if you run across one.

Y'all might exist redirected to the official bot page - you can shut it and head dorsum to your Discord server.

If the bot was added successfully, you will see the welcome message similar to this:

music bot added successfully to discord server

At present, it's time to go the party going and play something!

How to Play Music with Rythm Music Bot on Discord

But join a voice aqueduct and type !play \[song title or author\], like !play justing bieber peaches in the text aqueduct to first playing.

If you lot are not connected to an audio channel, then yous volition likely encounter the "You lot have to exist in a voice aqueduct to use this control." fault message.

you have to be in a voice channel to use this command

To prepare that, only join a voice channel past clicking on the name of whatsoever audio channel in the left panel - if the Discord server is minor, this usually volition be the "General" aqueduct.

Any text channel y'all blazon in the commands will play to the voice channels you are connected to.

Then how practise y'all know you are in the audio channel? Your avatar will appear inside of it, like this:

you have to be in a voice channel to use this command

Finally, I can have some peaches from Justin!

Pro tip: Y'all tin add more songs to the queue by using the command !play again while the other songs are playing, creating some nice playlists.

And so what else can we practise with this cool little app?

Full Rythm Commands list for Discord

  • !play \[song name\] - plays a melody of a specific proper noun from wherever.
  • !play \[artist\] - the bot will play the first institute song by the particular creative person,
  • !search/!discover \[song proper name\] - shows y'all 10 results best matching your query,
  • !playtop/!pt - adds a song to the superlative of the queue,
  • !skip - skips the currently played vocal and plays the next one, or stops playing if there's nix on the list,
  • !playskip - a combination of !skip and !play,
  • !finish - pauses the music. Utilize !play command to resume.
  • !articulate - clears the list.

How to Play Music on Discord with Groovy Bot

Heads up: To comply with YouTube policies, Bully bot had to shut down on August 30, 2021.

What is Groovy

The bot is a great alternative to Rythm or Mee6 and one of the most popular ones.
Some of the features include:

  • Book Command - nosotros know volume tin can exist an issue here,
  • Audio Effects - more bass? You got it!
  • 24/vii - After y'all bring together a voice aqueduct, you tin stay at that place forever,
  • AutoPlay - no more queueing of songs,
  • Saved Queues - and no more recreating queues!
  • More Groovies - Up to three bots playing in three different voice channels.

How to Add Great Music Bot to the Discord server

Go to the official website and click "Add to Discord" button.

Choose the server and ostend. The music bot will hop onto your server and thank you for adding him.

How to Play Music on Discord Through a Mic?

  1. Go to "Control Panel" on your figurer, to "Hardware and Sound".
  2. One time there, select "Manage Sound Devices".
  3. Click "Recording".
  4. Stereo Mix needs to be enabled. Fix information technology as Default Communication Device.
  5. You tin head towards your voice chat and savour music.

So which one is the best music bot? I guess that actually depends on your needs, experience and budget. Discord bots came a long way and there is an option for everyone.

How to play music on Discord Without a bot?

If y'all want to play songs without a Discord bot, you can do that with assistance of the Spotify app.

All y'all demand to practise is connect it with your Discord account and pick some songs from the list.

Follow our guide how to play Spotify on Discord for the details.

Last discussion

Discord servers evolved a lot in recent years and the ability to play music is yet another reason why we dear the Discord app.

Hope this guide was helpful and you lot were able to turn your Discord into a music car.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter!

If you lot are Twitch user, you might also want to check out how to brand Twitch Aqueduct Points working for you.

Playing Music on Discord FAQ

How do I play songs on Discord?

The nearly simple way is to install a Discord music bot.

Popular music bots are Rythm, MEE6, Octave, Chip, Hydra, or FredBoat. Yous can play songs without a bot, with Spotify, or directly via your microphone.

How to play music on Discord in private?

There is no fashion to play music in private or in grouping calls as of now.

Where to blazon commands for the music bot in the voice channel?

You don't type commands in the voice channels on Discord - instead, yous type them in text channels.

Any text channel y'all type in the commands will play to the vocalisation channel you are connected to.

Why did Groovy bot shut down?

Groovy bot close downwardly due to the fact it was playing music from YouTube which is against YouTube Terms of Service.


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